Thursday, June 27, 2013

I have been fortunate enough to spend this year growing and learning with a wonderful group of students from China, who came to America to study abroad during high school, some for a year or two, some for longer. I admire the bravery and resilience of these teenagers and the insights and observations they made throughout the year. In thinking about what it's like for young people to leave their homes to study abroad and what it's like to return home, I thought it might be wonderful to have a place for reflections to be shared.

Please comment on your own experiences. Include pictures, descriptions, dialogues, journal entries - - whatever it takes to tell a piece of your story! Post as often as you like and invite your friends to post as well! 

If you're stuck for ideas to get started, here are some questions I have:  What was it like to go away? What was it like to come home? What seems different at home now that you've been away? What's precious to you, especially after being away?  What are your friends interested in hearing about and what would they rather not hear about any more? What do you notice?  How have you changed? 

Please do the best you can not to worry about having perfect English! Just tell your story! 

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